Aug 4, 2022
Online Car Buying at Porsche Naples, in Naples, Florida.
Porsche Naples is committed to providing our customers with the best online buying experience possible.

You may have noticed that your local Porsche dealership hasn’t had as many vehicles on display recently. Everyone from Fort Myers to Naples has empty courts, and you’ve been waiting months to see the new car you’re looking for. What’s happened? 

Recently, dealers, manufacturers, and customers have all discovered the advantages of online car buying, and it’s slowly becoming more popular than the old method of lining cars up for display in a forecourt. Today’s technology allows every model, color, and make of a vehicle to be seen online, and as the trend shifts towards online ordering, fewer dealers need to line up cars for display.

What Are The Benefits Of Pre-ordering Your Vehicle?

When you pre-order a vehicle, the ordering process allows you to customize everything from the model to the paint color—giving you the power to build a Porsche designed exclusively for you.

Aside from being able to tailor your custom Porsche to match your style, you also don’t find yourself with extras that you don’t need.

When you customize your car, nobody else’s preferences are imposed on your design, and you only pay for what you want.

Is It Cheaper To Order A Car Online?

Buying a car online gives buyers more control over the process and allows them to compare prices easily. Finally, many online dealerships offer incentives, such as free shipping or extended warranties, that can make the purchase even more appealing.

The Pros And Cons Of Getting A Vehicle Special Ordered.

Buying A New Porsche

You know that you want the experience of cruising along a beachside highway, wind in your hair, and a sun-warmed steering wheel under your hands. You also probably know which model and maybe even which color you want the paint and interior to be. But when it comes down to the fine details, it’s hard to keep all the options in mind without having them in front of you.

When you order online, all the options are displayed, even the ones you had never considered. 

Preordering allows you to take your time and think over the available options. Buying a new Porsche is an experience to be savored, and it’s worth taking the time to ensure that you have everything exactly as you want. 

How To Custom Order A Porsche and Have The Best Experience?

Porsche Naples has a huge selection of new and used Porsche SUV models, including the 2022 Panamera and 2022 Porsche Taycan.
Buy your new Porsche online and research different models and features to find the perfect car for your needs.

All currently manufactured builds are available for a custom order, so you can get your hands on a new Porsche Taycan even if none are for sale at your dealership. In addition, a handy display allows you to compare the various builds and additional costs, so you can decide whether the sleek lines of the Porsche Panamera make up for the lack of space or a Porsche SUV’s power and cargo capacity are what you need. 

Once you’ve chosen your model and build, all possible options are displayed for you to examine. Once you’ve designed the perfect car, your order will be sent to your nearest dealer. Here at Porsche Naples, we cover the Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, Cape Coral, and Fort Myers areas. You’ll soon receive a call from one of our friendly and knowledgeable team members. They can help you with the fine details.

Once all the paperwork has been completed, it takes one to three months for your custom Porsche to be built to your specifications. Then your Porsche is delivered to your local dealership, and the keys to your perfect car are soon in your hands.